Via Daverio, 7 - 20122, Milano - C.F./P.IVA: 97136760150

Categoria: Analisi approfondita

Dalla parte di chi difende i diritti umani rischiando la vita per promuovere gli ideali di una società giusta e civile

In-Depth Analysis – Assessment of the implementation of the human rights clause in international and sectoral agreements – PE 702.586 – Subcommittee on Human Rights

This study examines the EU’s policy on human rights clauses in its international agreements since 2014. It focuses on the inclusion of human rights clauses in framework agreements, in line with the 2009 ‘Common Approach’, and how these clauses apply to…

In-Depth Analysis – The opposition of models and narratives in the field of human rights. – PE 702.584 – Subcommittee on Human Rights

This In-depth analysis focuses on competing human rights narratives, particularly those that challenge or undermine the priorities set out in the European Union (EU) Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy 2020-2024. It identifies the strategies depl…

In-Depth Analysis – Tribunal for the crime of aggression against Ukraine – a legal assessment – PE 702.574 – Subcommittee on Human Rights

After examining the innovative character of the proposed tribunal, the paper analyses three main interconnected elements linked to the establishment and functioning of the tribunal: the legal basis for its creation; problems of immunity; and questions …

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