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Study – Enhancing the protection of human rights defenders (HRDs): Facilitating access to the EU and supporting HRDs from third countries – PE 754.445 – Subcommittee on Human Rights

Study – Enhancing the protection of human rights defenders (HRDs): Facilitating access to the EU and supporting HRDs from third countries – PE 754.445 – Subcommittee on Human Rights

This study provides a comprehensive exploration of measures aimed at facilitating access to and expanding support for human rights defenders (HRDs) in the European Union (EU). Its introduction deals with the fundamental issue of defining HRDs which, in turn, will enable visa, borders and migration officers to apply the various recommendations here proposed. The subsequent section delves into the EU’s Visa Code and Handbook, proposing substantial changes to accommodate the needs of HRDs seeking entry and short stays in the EU. For longer stays, the study examines available options within the existing legal migration acquis and possibilities offered by the Temporary Protection Directive. It also proposes a self-standing proposal for a Directive that aims to deal with HRDs’ extended stays in the EU. Socio-economic assistance for HRDs is then discussed by proposing specific possibilities for additional measures, resources and policies at the EU level. The impact of digitalisation and EU databases on HRDs is also examined. Lastly, it presents recommendations categorised as soft-law and hard-law, providing a robust framework to safeguard HRDs and facilitate their access to the EU.

Source : © European Union, 2024 – EP

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