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Hearings – The human rights impact of sourcing critical raw materials – 19-07-2023 – Subcommittee on Human Rights

Hearings – The human rights impact of sourcing critical raw materials – 19-07-2023 – Subcommittee on Human Rights

Image of small samples of critical raw materials
On 19 July 2023, DROI will hold a public hearing “The human rights impact of sourcing critical raw materials (sub-issue on Orinoco Mining Arc)”. The hearing will be held in association with the Committee on Development (DEVE).

The EU’s ambition to become a climate-neutral economy by 2050, and its ability to sustain the green and digital transitions and achieve strategic autonomy rely on reliable and secure access to critical raw materials (CRMs).

The hearing will examine the conditions guaranteeing that new strategies of EU sourcing of CRMs will not have a negative impact on respect for human rights, including labour rights, the rights of indigenous peoples and environmental protection. It will also discuss the opportunities offered by the sustainable development of CRM value chains and the measures that the EU must take in this regard to promote human rights in the world.

Guest speakers will highlight the situation of countries or regions where mining and extractive industries play a major economic role, in particular the Orinoco Mining Arc in Venezuela.

Location : ANTALL 4Q1

Source : © European Union, 2023 – EP

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